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Pripravili smo učinkovit program slovenščine, ki vam bo pomagal do hitrega znanja slovenščine od stopnje A1-C2.

Slovene program for the Slovene course:

The Slovenian language course is divided into levels:

A1 - Slovenian course for beginners (4 modules)

A2 - First intermediate level (4 modules)

B1 - Second intermediate level (6 modules)

B2 - Advanced level (6 modules)

C1 - Native speaker level

C2 - Academic and scientific level of the speaker

Group courses require 80 academic hours of the course, to reach A1 level and 80 academic hours for A2. For B1 level you need 120 hours and for the level B2 you need also 120 hours.

For each hour of the course, we recommend at least 1 hour of homework for consolidation and written expression as well as reading and listening comprehension.

Goals can be achieved faster in individual courses, so it depends on the individual, but we estimate that instead of 80 hours in a group, they need 60 individual hours.

In Slovenia 1 academic hour is 45 minutes!


The course is divided into 4 modules of 20 hours each.

Slovene program for Module 1

  • 1 A: Dober dan! / Good day

In the first chapter, you will learn some basic phrases in Slovenian, an introduction, and you will get to know the Slovenian alphabet and pronunciation, as well as how nouns are divided into feminine, masculine and neuter genders. At the end, you will be able to distinguish between formal and informal dialogue. You will be able to introduce yourself (name, surname, profession, nationality and the languages ​​you speak). You will know how to communicate how you feel and you will learn to ask for a phone number or email address. You will also be able to tell others about your information. You will also master some basic phrases for easier communication and some basic verbs. Finally, you will be able to listen to one Slovenian song and solve the exercises. To top it all off, we've added another secret bonus content to the chapter.

  • 1 B: Kdo si? / Who are you?

In the second chapter, you will learn to present yourself and others in more detail. You will learn Slovenian personal pronouns, tell nationalities, professions and languages ​​in Slovenian, you will meet Slovenian, European and world celebrities and you will know how to introduce them too! You will learn to use the 2nd declension in some situations. We have prepared an exercise where you will try to do a dialogue with an employee at the administrative unit, and arranging paperwork will never be a problem again. At the end, we will listen to the music again, and this time we have added two secret bonus contents to the chapter.

  • 1 C: Moja družina / My family

In the third chapter, the focus is on the family. You will learn vocabulary related to family members, words to describe people and their character, and body parts. You will know how to make your own family tree. You will also learn the conjugation of verbs ending in -ATI and also the difference between the verbs TO BE and HAVE. You will get to know a very popular Slovenian band and one of its most famous songs. Added secret bonus content to this chapter.

Slovene program for Module 2

  • 1 D: Nakupujem oblačila / I go for shopping

This time we will go to a clothing store. You will learn everything about clothes: type of clothes, accessories, size, brands, colors, materials. You will learn to tell what someone is wearing and the associated 4th inclination. You will practice a dialogue in a clothing store and you will learn to conjugate verbs in -OVATI. Of course, there is no shortage of music in this chapter either. This chapter has two secret bonus contents!

  • 1 E: Pripravljam okusne jedi / Preparing delicious dishes

In this chapter we will enjoy culinary delights. You will learn vocabulary related to food: food and drink, packaging, dishes and verbs used to describe the preparation of food. We will practice dialogue in a restaurant and you will learn to say what you like and what you don't like. We will continue to learn different ways to use the 2nd declension. We will learn to form the dual and plural of nouns. Added two secret bonus content to the chapter.

  • 1 F: Kdaj se dobimo? / When do we meet?

After this chapter, you'll never have trouble arranging dates and meetings again. You will learn to tell the time and talk about time. You will master the days of the week, the months of the year and the seasons. You will be able to tell what the weather is like. You will learn to talk about the past and the future.

Slovene program for Module 3

  • 1 G: V mestu / In the city

Having trouble understanding directions in the city? After completing the chapter, this won't be a problem at all! We will walk around the city and you will learn to describe all the buildings and where they are located, as well as the ways of transportation. We will repeat the 2nd declension and the 4th declension, we will also learn the 5th and 6th declensions. We will practice dialogue in the city, give directions and you will learn to conjugate and use the verb MUST. You will master suggestions for placing buildings in the city. We will also do a review explaining the differences between the 4th, 5th and 6th declinations. Finally, we added two more secret bonus content!

  • 1 H: Moj dom / My home

In this chapter you will learn vocabulary related to the house: rooms in the house, objects and furniture in the house, counting objects. We will look at the suggestions for placing objects in space in a new way and we will combine different suggestions for the 4th, 5th and 6th declensions. You will also learn about housework. We will listen to Slovenian music again and watch two more bonus extras.

  • 1 I: Boli me / It hurts me

In this chapter, you will learn more about body parts and all the vocabulary related to the doctor: senses, health problems and what can help us with our problems. We will also learn the 3rd declension and the imperative. At the end, of course, we will listen to some Slovenian music.

Slovene program for Module 4

  • 1 J: Moje počitnice / My holidays

You will learn to talk about your holidays: where to go on holiday, vocabulary related to luggage, holiday accommodation, hotel and other accommodation. You will see some holiday spots around Slovenia. You will practice the dialogue in the hotel and you will learn to use the conditional. You will practice talking about your holidays and experiences.

  • 1 K: Z avtobusom ali vlakom /By bus or train

You will review transport and learn vocabulary related to travel, transport and the airport. You will learn the dual and plural of the 5th declension. You will practice dialogues at the bus and train station and at the airport. You will learn the difference between some perfective and imperfective verbs.

  • 1 L Na obisku / At the visit

In the last chapter of the first level, you will learn a lot about Slovenian culture. You will learn about Slovenian holidays and how Slovenians behave during visits. You will learn to write different messages, talk on the phone and choose gifts for different occasions. You will learn about different questionnaires according to different Slovenian declension. Of course, there will be no shortage of Slovenian music at the end of the chapter.

When you finish A1

Listening / speaking: 

Understands simple instructions and can participate to a limited extent in basic everyday conversations on a predictable topic. He can ask simple questions and understand simple answers. Understands short, factual messages, instructions and information.

Reading: Understands short, factual messages, instructions and information.

Writing: Can fill in basic forms that request personal information and transcribe or write short messages (notes) that include information about time, date and place.


The course is divided into 4 modules of 20 hours each.

Slovene program for 5. MODULE

  • 2A: Spoznajmo se / Let's get to know each other

We start the second module by getting to know ourselves and others. You will learn to express your feelings when learning a foreign language, to talk about countries, languages ​​and nationalities. You will meet multilingual families and you will be able to talk about which languages ​​you know and what is the easiest or most difficult for you when learning a foreign language and in what ways we can learn a foreign language.

  • 2B: Gremo po nakupih / Let's go shopping

In the second chapter, you will learn to talk about whether you like to shop, whether you go shopping often, where you usually shop, to talk about promotions, advertising flyers, sales, etc. You will learn the tricks of merchants to sell you something more. You will get to know the famous Slovenian chocolate, you will learn about pronouns in Slovenian and we will also repeat the word order in a sentence.

  • 2C: Grem po opravkih / I'm running errands

In this chapter we will talk about errands. You will learn interrogative pronouns and in the video you will meet a famous Slovenian actor and comedian. You will learn to talk about time, whether you have too much/not enough time to do things, what saves us time and what advice I would give to other people when they say they don't have time. At the end, of course, there will be Slovenian music.

Slovene program for 6. MODULE

  • 2D: Kje pa delate? / Where do you work?

We'll talk about work. You will expand your vocabulary related to work. You will learn to describe what you do, how many hours your working day lasts, what you like and dislike about work, whether it is better to work remotely or in the office. You will learn how to apply for a job vacancy, solve a quiz and find out if you are addicted to work. We will repeat the second declension of the singular and add the plural. We will also learn the conditional and talk about the changes that are happening in our lives.

  • 2E: Naši odnosi / Our relationship

In this chapter of this module, you will deepen the topic of relatives, family relationships and family celebrations. You will learn possessive pronouns. You will learn to talk about people and about positive and negative qualities. You will practice declension of adjectives. You will learn to compare the characteristics of persons and things with the case and superlative of the noun. With the help of the detective, you will get to know the question marks for all declensions as well as indefinite and negative pronouns. Eventually, you will learn the difference between emotions and feelings.

  • 2F: Smo to, kar jemo / We are what we eat

You will get to know traditional Slovenian dishes, recipes, how to form adjectives from food, talk about food preparation and healthy meals. The central theme are irregularities of the neuter nouns.

Slovene program for 7. MODULE

  • 2G: Živali / Animals

In this chapter, we will learn about domestic, forest and other animals in their environment. We will also learn proverbs related to animals. The central grammatical topic is nouns of the 2nd feminine declension.

  • 2H: Prenavljamo hišo / We are renovating the house

When we start a house renovation, we need to know the activities, the craftsmen and the tools. How much material do we need and how do we communicate with the masters? You will write an inquiry and respond to their offer.

  • 2I: Koncerti, festivali in prireditve / Concerts, festivals and events

You will learn how Slovenians prefer to have fun. You will learn about typical Slovenian events, famous Slovenians, famous Slovenian events and movies, … At the end of the chapter, you will be able to read advertisements about events and decide where to go, as well as ask for additional information. You will learn to talk about experiences and choose between two options what interests you more. We will repeat the contrast between the 2nd, 4th and 5th declensions. We will repeat the dual and plural of the 5th declension. You will learn the word order in Slovenian and how to use the conjunctions AMPAK and PA correctly. The chapter has secret bonus content.

Slovene program for 8. MODULE

  • 2J: Aplikacije in internet / Apps and the Internet

In this chapter, we will talk about the importance of using apps in our daily life. When does it make sense to use mobile phones and what are the rules in situations where a phone is not the most desirable. In this chapter we will consolidate personal and possessive pronouns.

  • 2K: Najboljši poklic / The best profession

In the next chapter of this module, you will talk about professions. You will refresh your knowledge of female and male occupations, expressions related to occupations and about prospective occupations of the future. You will read about whether work can also be fun. You will learn to distinguish between perfective and imperfective verbs and you will also listen to some music.

  • 2L: Šport v Sloveniji / Sport in Slovenia

In the last chapter of this module, you will talk about sports, types of sports, cheerleading, sports events, Slovenian skiers, famous athletes, hiking and mountains, extreme sports, peculiarities of masculine nouns (on -a, -e, -i, -o, - u and r).

After completion A2

Listening / Speaking: Can easily express opinions and requests in familiar contexts. He can spontaneously join the conversation.

Reading: Understands basic information, public signs, simple forms, cover letters, descriptions and can follow simple instructions. Understands simple texts with pictorial material.

Writing: Can fill in forms and write short and simple letters, messages or requests


The course is divided into 6 modules of 20 hours each.


Slovene program for 9. MODULE

  • 3A: Zdaj bo vse drugače / Everything will be different now

We will talk about good intentions to start the year. Then we will meet classmates from high school in a reunion. We will talk about what can change your life. We will discover your personal year with numerology, we will discuss if making predictions can come true. Can you imagine cities in the future? Can you make predictions for 100 years from now? We will read about how young people imagine the future. What can robots can make now and what they will do in the future? We will learn irregular participles and we will talk about what everyday life will look like in the future

  • 3B: Zeleni svet / Green world

We will discover some ecological ideas, we will learn how to express opposing opinions. We will read about locally processed food, eco tips, waste separation, eco tourism. We will discuss if can we change society. We will see the video about Ljubljana - the green capital of Europe. And we will learn about the plants and herbs.

Slovene program for 10. MODULE

  • 3C: Potrošništvo in nakupovanje / Consumerism and shopping

Let's talk about shopping habits, buying in physical stores or online, consumer habits of Slovenians, personal pronoun, matching noun and verb

  • 3D: Moda in ljudje okoli nas / Fashion and people around us

What are the fashion trends, how important is the style of clothing.

Slovene program for 11. MODUL

  • 3E: Mediji / Media

Tv diary, daily news, media (Digital newspaper, paper newspaper, magazines, articles, television program)

  • 3F: Prostovoljstvo / Volunteering

Why volunteering, volunteer organizations, young people and volunteering, views on age, demonstrative pronoun, negative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, modal expressions

Slovene program for 12. MODUL

  • 3G:

more about that soon

  • 3H:

more about that soon

Slovene program for 13. MODUL

  • 3I:

more about that soon

  • 3J:

more about that soon

Slovene program for 14. MODUL

  • 3K:

more about that soon

  • 3L:

more about that soon

After completing B1

  • Listening / Speaking: Can express a limited opinion on abstract and specialized matters or give advice on familiar topics, understands instructions or public advertisements. Can participate in everyday conversation.
  • Reading: Understands factual information and articles if they relate to a known field. Understands the essence of texts related to his professional or field of study.
  • Writting: Can write letters and routine correspondence or take notes on predictable matters.
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