Komunikacija: vljudnostne fraze (nedirektna vprašanja), izražanje mnenja, (ne)strinjanja, pogovor o aktualnih dogodkih (pregled dnevnih dogajanj, diskusije);
Slovnica: pregled časov, pogojnih stavkov (if sentences), pregled pasiva in njegova uporaba v praksi (poslovna angleščina), pogoste besedne zveze s predlogi (interested in, famous for,..), pregled členov (a/an, the, 0).
Communication: polite expressions, expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, discussing current events (daily events, discussions), talk about your personal finances and give advice to friends and colleagues about their finances, talk about your personal and professional lifestyle, including a description of your life at work, talk about what you like to read and make recommendations about good things to read, use appropriate language in social situations, including praising and expressing sympathy.
Hobbies and free time
Travel and getting around
Education and learning styles
Work and obligations
Money and shopping
Eating and drinking
Health and fitness
People and their lives
Technological advances, communication and the media
Wildlife and the environment
Life, crime and society
festivals and celebrating (history)
alternative lifestyles
inventions and achievements
review of tenses:
- Present simple & continuous (review)
- Past simple & continuous (review)
- Present perfect
- Present perfect continuous
- Past perfect
- Past perfect continuous
- future simple & continuous
- future perfect
- future perfect continuous
- passive form of all tenses
- review of articles (a / an, the, zero article)
- an overview of the passive and its use in practice (business English)
- common phrases using prepositions (interested in, famous for, ..),
- gerunds and infinitives
- indirect questions