Before you set off, enter in the GPS: "Jezikovno Mesto" and the navigation will bring you exactly in front of the building. Do not enter the street "Vojkova 58" in the navigation, as it will lead you in the wrong direction.
By car:
You drive along Vojkova cesta and turn at the yellow sign "Avtopralnica" into Lužiško-srbska street. Drive straight to the white building on the left, where you park on the left side of the building.
Parking is free. Park in the left part of the parking lot, where it is not marked reserved for other company.
Our classrooms are located in the white building on the left, on the first floor on the left, at the end of the corridor.
By city bus
LPP line 6, 13, 19 or 20,
Get off at the station: line 13 and 20 Fire brigade, line 19 Topniška, line 6: Stadion (direction towards the center) and Mercator (direction towards the ring road).
From Vojkova cesta turn at this yellow sign into Lužiško-srbsko street.
contact us or +38630773677.
Preden se odpravite na pot vpišite v GPS: "Jezikovno Mesto" in vas bo navigacija pripeljala točno pred stavbo. V navigacijo ne vnašajte ulice "Vojkova 58", saj vas bo peljalo narobe.
Z avtom:
Peljete se po Vojkovi cesti in zavijete pri rumeni tabli "Avtopralnica" v ulico Lužiško-srbska. Peljete se naravnost do bele stavbe na levi strani, kjer parkirate na levi strani stavbe.
V popoldanskem času je parkiranje brezplačno. Preferira se parkiranje na levem delu parkirišča, kjer ni označeno rezervirano za.
Naši prostori se nahajajo v beli stavbi na levo, v prvem nadstropju na levo, na koncu hodnika.
Mestni avtobus (trola)
LPP številka 6, 13, 19 in 20,
Izstopite na postaji: linija 13 in 20 Gasilska brigada, linija 19 Topniška, linija 6: Stadion (smer proti centru) in Mercator (smer proti obvoznici).
Iz Vojkove ceste zavijete pri tej rumeni tabli v ulico Lužiško-srbsko.